Friday, January 05, 2007

Karma is a Bitch.

Argh, I've already screwed this up. I blame it on myself. I left my nice if not archaic livejournal blog, thinking that blogger would be a breeze! Well, I proved myself completely wrong and had to delete the blog (probably over-reacted... I have a tendency to do that) and now you're all probably somewhat confused. Well, I'm still here, at but you might need to update your blogline feeds. Hell, I don't know. Let me know if it's all copasetic.

Okay, what was I talking about? Oh yes, I'm a horrible blogger. Before I start deleting my entire blog, I move you guys to this new unfamiliar blog and then I disappear. But, now I'm back (and so is the blog) and I have resolutions for you. I know you're all probably hopping up and down right now... it's very exciting. Anyway, now that it's 2007, exciting (and let's face it, terrifying) events are afoot and what better way to welcome it than with a list!?

1) Eat When I'm Hungry and Stop When I'm Not. This one is the big one. Part of me thinks I should just say "eat healthier foods and work out more" but I think I need to be a bit more harsh with myself and stop eating so frickin' much. I eat when I'm bored, I eat when I'm stressed, I eat when I'm with friends, I eat when I'm alone. And it's rare that I stop eating WHEN I'm full.

2) Find a Job. Holy shit. Terrifying. Part of me would like to dig a hole in my parents backyard and hide there forever. However, I'm not going to do that. Thus, I am going to whip my resume into shape, start believing that I'm going to be a great librarian and any library would be lucky to have me and start scouring for a job that pays more than $22,000 a year. I am librarian, hear me roar! :)

3) Accept Adulthood. I'm 24 years old and come May, I will have a masters in library studies and I'll be a real librarian. Hopefully at some point this year, I'll have a real job and my very own apartment. I don't want to make the same mistakes my parents made when they were my age. I want to be good about "paying myself" (i.e. taking money from my paycheck and saving/investing it) and I need to learn how to budget.

4) Stop Falling Down Stairs. Last week I fell down two flights of stairs. Granted, I was drunk the second time but it's getting ridiculous. My ass hurts.

5) Pack my lunch and stop eating make-shift meals from the vending machines at work. Nuf said.

6) Find a New Boy to Have a Crush On!!! Yes, I said crush. I'm okay not having a relationship at this point. That's very low on the priority list. However, I would just like to meet someone cute and nice and think "Huh, he is cute and nice and I like him." I'd be very happy if I just found that.

7) Be a Better Blogger. Blog more and oh yeah, stop fucking up my blog.

Well, that's about it.... that is unless I decide to delete this post and my entire blog again. Sigh.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Alissa said...

I second the resolution about a new boy to crush on... I need one of those too since my current crush is never ever going to go anywhere. The problem being that he is too damn sweet and I just keep falling harder rather than stopping. Alissa

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Alissa said...

I second the resolution about a new boy to crush on... I need one of those too since my current crush is never ever going to go anywhere. The problem being that he is too damn sweet and I just keep falling harder rather than stopping.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Librarian Girl said...

Here's my fear. That all you almost-librarian-bloggers are going to stop blogging after you graduate. What will I read???

Oh yeah, I'm a librarian. I guess I do have other things to read. But still. Don't leave me!

At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are all good resolutions! I think that 2007 is going to be The Year of Katie!


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